Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Beech Hyde really cares about the individual needs of my children. They have thrived.
At Beech Hyde Primary School and Nursery, we value everyone as an individual and strive to ensure that every child reaches their maximum potential. We recognise that many pupils may have special educational needs at some point during their school career, and we are committed to providing a range of supportive interventions to everyone has opportunity to succeed. We are an inclusive school that believes strongly that all pupils, regardless of ability or background have the right to participate in and enjoy all aspects of school life, including access to a board and balanced curriculum and extracurricular activities.
We are ambitious for all our pupils, including those with SEND. Our first response is always high quality teaching, providing effective opportunities for learning and progress for all.
At Beech Hyde there is a teaching assistant assigned to each year group. The role of the Teaching Assistant is varied. They may support identified pupils within the classroom, work with small groups of pupils - reading, maths, nurture - as well as supporting extra-curricular learning and educational visits. They also play an important role supporting students who we feel need more focused 1:1 support and monitoring.
Education Health Care Plans
If your child has an Educational Health Care Plan then appropriate provision will be put in place to ensure they are fully supported. If you are a prospective parent of a child with an EHCP then all admissions to schools must be through the SEND Team in your local authority. If you feel your child might benefit from attending a specialist provision, please follow this link to the Hertfordshire Special Schools.
If you have any questions about our provision please contact our SENCO, Mrs J Shore, by email senco@beechhyde.aetrust.uk or by phone 01582 832661.
Find the latest SEND News from Hertfordshire County Council:
SEND news - 30 June 2023 (hertfordshire.gov.uk)
Useful information for parents:
Home (hertssendiass.org.uk) - independent advisory services for children with SEND and their families
Hertfordshire Local Offer - information for children with SEND and their families in the Hertfordshire area
DSPL7 – St Albans, Harpenden and Villages DSPL7 Website - information for children with SEND and their families in the Harpenden & St Albans area