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At Beech Hyde one of our core aims is to make sure we look after one another and celebrate difference. All children at Beech Hyde are taught that kindness is one of the most valuable assets a person can possess. Through daily school life, assemblies, theme days and PSHE, we re-iterate this message and deal promptly with any unkindness. 

Pupils are taught what bullying is, and what it is not, and to make sure that seek help from an adult if they are unhappy with how they, or another pupils, is treating them. The focus will always be on restoration of relationship, but the school will use its behaviour policy if needed. 

Pupils are encouraged to always tell an adult at school or home if someone is upsetting them. Each pupil has a network hand with the names of 5 trusted adults they can turn to if need be. There is a red STOP box in the hall, by the permeant anti-bullying display, so that pupils can write a message to staff if they need support. It is checked regularly. 

Every class has two 'Friendship Leaders' (BUDDY) who look out for others in the class and alert an adult if they are worried about a classmate. Year 6 play leaders are encouraged to ensure they look after younger children and let an adult know if they are concerned about another pupil.