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Performing Arts/ Music Lessons

Seeing my child have the confidence to stand-up and perform in front of others was the highlight of our year.


The school undertakes a full music curriculum, using the 'Charanga' scheme of learning, which provided a balanced programme with clear progression of knowledge and skills. The school offers additional clubs in a variety of music and drama, and the children love to perform. Through our partnership with St Albans School we have also been able to offer additional performing arts opportunities such as the Year 4 performance of 'Joseph'.

Opportunities to perform have come in musical sharing assemblies, Spring Festival, Summer Festival and the James Marshall Foundation 300th Anniversary concert. At the end of every year, Year 6 put on a play and at Christmas there are Early Years and KS1 nativity and Christmas plays.

The school takes part in external events in the local area. For example, at the Wheathampstead Community Group Thursday lunchtime club, the annual Rotary Carol Concert and the Harpenden and District School Spring Festival. We have also travelled to the Royal Albert Hall to take part in the Hertfordshire Schools Music Gala.

Singing Club performing at the Wheathampstead Community Group's Thursday Lunch Club

In addition, your child can have instrumental lessons in school provided by Herts Music Service teachers. You can sign up for individual or group lessons. We currently have piano and guitar teachers.   If you would like your child to have lessons, please sign up with the music service at All payment goes through the music service, but if you encounter any difficulties please speak to Mrs Pleasants in the main office. Children who play instruments are invited to showcase their talents at our termly musical sharing assemblies!